Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Believe!

The way I look at life may be different from how others do. Ever since I was born, I have known that I am destined to be someone great in life. I know that I am destined to do something great and leave a mark in the history of this world, before I say goodbye to it. The purpose of my life here is to do something for the greater good of the people. And I have vowed to fulfill my purpose before I came to this world. I will keep my promise, I will find my way.

In this journey, there will be many people who would discourage me. They will try to bring my spirits down, but I must not lose my spirit. I must believe in myself.
Asth Aścio Gu’sth Awaeya – ‘What you think is what you are’.
To convert your dreams into reality, all you have to do is believe. Believe in your destiny. If there is anything that you want, if you really believe in it, then you’ll get it. All you have to do is work for it, and believe. There is nothing in this world that you cannot do. If you really want to do it, then you will. If there is a will there is a way. You will not have to go searching for your destiny, it will find you.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Is truth ugly?

We all like to believe that the world is a great place to live in, even if deep down we know that it is a lie. We want to believe that life is a great journey full of joy and surprises even though the truth is that life is a journey through both pleasure and pain. We choose to believe whatever that appears logical to us, although there are many things that are beyond the comprehension of our rational mind. We choose to believe things that would make us joyful and happy and never sad and depressed even if we know that it is all a lie.

Many times we choose to believe anything but the truth and then one fine morning reality hits us hard on our face. We finally realize the truth and then blame everything on it. We call truth ugly.

But are we right? I don't think so.

Let us look back to what I said first. I have begun my sentences with 'We like to believe', 'We want to believe' and 'We choose to believe'. This means that we have a choice whether and what to believe. We are always given a choice on what to believe and what not to. And often we make the mistake of making a choice on the basis of what we like or want and not on our perception of what is right and wrong (which again depends on whether your perception is right).

If we had chosen to believe the truth, the reality wouldn't have hit us that hard. The truth is and will always remain the same, it will never go wrong. So who is to be blamed - The truth or ourselves? Do you think that truth is ugly??
The truth is NOT ugly. It is profound, it is beautiful. However, it is our mind filled with illusions that perceives truth as ugly.